This parenting life parenting coaching online

Online Parenting Support Service

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This parenting life can be hard work! No parent is an island and parenting support is available.

Improve your relationship with your child, feel happier and make the best choices for you, your family and your child.

Want To Help Your Child With Their Emotions?

My Big Emotions Help Child With Their Emotions This Parenting Life

Hi there!

Hi! My name is Heather Lindsay...

I'm a a parenting coach, Registered Nurse and mum of 3 who gets it. The good times and the not so good times, we've all been there! 

I've been running my parenting support service since 2014, helping parents all over the world. I'm known for being non-judgement and I place a high importance on practical positive parenting strategies that WORK (and are based in research). 

I'm committed to provide a service that helps all parents, mums, dads, step-parents, foster parents, co-parents, grandparents and anyone who looks after children. 

I'm also an avid gardener and can often be found outside, talking to my plants and my chickens.

I'm love to hear from parents and love a good chat so please don't hesitate to get in contact!

From my blog

9 ways to support child development parenting article Heather Lindsay parenting coach this parenting life

Supporting Child Development

We want our kids to be the best they can be - physically, emotionally and socially. But how does that actually happen? What can we do to help the process?

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family cooperation article this parenting life

Enhancing Family Cooperation

All parents want their children to do what they ask them to do the first time. How can we get the chores done without the arguments and have more time for play?

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I'm Always Frustrated At My Child. What Can I Do?

 We've all been there, it happens to all of us. It's not a nice place to be and the guilt and self-blame can be toxic. What can help?

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family time when you are not happy this parenting life

Enjoying Family Time When You're Not Into It

What do you do when your kids want to spend time with you, ask to play with you and do family activities, but you're not really feeling it?

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The things I love to Help Parents With

Positive parenting strategies
Strengthening the connection between parent & child
Working out what's underlying children's behaviour
Teaching kids about emotions
Setting up family rules
Stress management for parents
Helping kids listen
Solving behaviour problems
The benefits of family meetings
Self care for parents

These are only a few of the things I love to talk about. The nursing background in me means that I'm always researching and reading about parenting. I'm always looking for new things to help parents with so if there is something you'd like help with, let me know!

As Featured In

Sunshine Coast Kids Heather Lindsay
North Shore Mums Heather Lindsay
Kidspot Heather Lindsay
Kiddipedia Heather Lindsay
Honey Parenting Heather Lindsay
Mum Central Heather Lindsay


PO Box 553, Hornsby NSW, 1630



An Australian based, online positive parenting support service for all parents.

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