online parenting program

Circle of Security Parenting® 

Circle of Security Parenting® is designed to give you clear choices and a better understanding of what you're seeing to help your support your child's security with you.

online program

group program

one-on-one sessions

Strengthen the parent-Child Relationship

Parenthood is an incredible journey, but we all know it comes with its unique set of challenges! If you're seeking a transformative experience to strengthen the bond with your child and gain valuable insights into your parenting journey, you're in the right place.

Circle of Security Parenting® (COSP®) is an innovative, widely recognised and evidence-based parenting program that supports the development of children by strengthening the parent-child attachment.

The Circle of Security program provides parents with a framework to understand and respond to their children's emotional needs. It focuses on helping parents become more attuned to their child's emotions and behaviours, fostering a secure base from which the child can explore the world.

Encourage your child to explore the world while providing a safe and secure base for them to return to

Be available and responsive when they seek comfort and support.

Support their natural curiosity and exploration while maintaining a connection with their parent or caregiver.

Helping children understand and regulate their emotions by modelling appropriate responses.

COSP® is a reflective program that helps caregivers focus on the quality of the relationship they have with their child, not just their behaviours. 

Let Heather, a dedicated parenting coach, Circle of Security Parenting™ Facilitator and Registered Nurse, guide you through the Circle of Security Program.

Thanks for the time & guidance you put into our sessions, we really appreciated it. The course gave us plenty to think about and reflect on and has definitely improved the way we interact as a family.

Jen & Paul - 3 children aged 9, 7 and 6 months

Circle of Security 1:1

The best way to do Circle of Security Parenting® and get the most out of it for your family is in a 1:1 format. 

The course runs over a total of 8 individual sessions.

Personalised Support - Each session is tailored to the unique relationship between parent and their child.

Safe and confidential environment - Complete confidentiality and a safe space to express your emotions and concerns freely.

Focused Attention - no question goes unanswered and no issue is overlooked!

Appointment times are flexible are available throughout the week between the hours of 9:00am and 3pm AEST (SYD/NSW).

The registration fee is $640 ($80 per session) and payment plans are available.

The Group Course

No dates are confirmed for 2024. 

The registration fee is $480 ($60 per session) and payment plans are available.

Limited Spaces available - maximum of 4 parents per group via Zoom. 

Court Ordered or Recommended Circle of Security™

Heather is a registered Circle of Security Parenting™ Facilitator and can provide the course for you if you are required or recommended to complete it because of Family Law matters, including requirements through the Department of Child Protection in all Australian States. 

We understand that being asked to take a parenting course through the family court process can feel overwhelming or even unnecessary at times.

My goal is to offer a supportive, non-judgmental space where you can gain tools to strengthen your relationship with your child. 

The Circle of Security program is not about pointing out mistakes, but about empowering you to feel more confident in your parenting. Together, we’ll focus on building trust, connection, and security for both you and your child, so you can move forward with greater peace of mind.

Upon successful completion of the course all participants will receive a Certificate of Completion which can be provided to the court. 

If you have a date that the course needs to be completed by, please contact Heather ASAP via the form below or call on 0432 936 867 as spots fill up quickly. 

Thank you very much for teaching me some extra steps in my parenting. Just to let you know the court case was finalised in October and the boys now live with myself and my partner. They are doing great at school and at home. I use what I have learned to better understand how they are feeling and it is working beautifully.

Jamie - Two boys, ages 7 and 4

I'm a much better parent for doing this course & it's taken the pressure off me. I've seen my daughter be more confident to go out and explore. I'm so glad I did this. Thank you so much!

Brooke - One daughter, aged 11

How Does It Work?

Circle of Security Parenting® has been taught internationally since 2010. The course has been delivered through in-person workshops with trained facilitators. Since the global Covid pandemic, Circle of Security Parenting™ is now available online to keep our communities safe. 

Remote facilitation of the course from the comfort of your own home can give caregivers throughout Australia the opportunity to connect with a group at a convenient time.

Circle of Security Parenting® is facilitated by Parenting Coach & Registered Nurse, Heather Lindsay. Having been through the course herself as a participant, she knows the benefits of implementing the Circle in her family with her three kids. 

We completed the Circle of Security Parenting course with Heather as our guide. She was an excellent communicator of these crucial parenting tools. Heather was very warm and non judgemental as a teacher, and she helped our family so much with her insights. Can highly recommend the course to every parent, it was so enlightening but also really does work to calm the chaos.

Jules & Gus - 3 daughters 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Circle of Security Parenting® Help?

Circle of Security Parenting® is a relationship based program which helps parents enhance the relationship they have with their children, feel confident in meeting their needs and help their children feel safe and secure. When children feel safe and secure, their behaviour can improve and parents frequently report feeling more confidence in their parenting. 

It is not parenting coaching, child or parent counselling, therapy, child psychology, or a form of behaviour modification. If you are having specific concerns with your child and you may be interested in access parenting coaching or discussing other options please contact Heather directly via email.

Click here to email Heather

Who Is It For?

COSP® is for all caregivers. This includes mums, dads, step-mums, step-dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents and anyone who plays a role in a child's life. 

It is primarily designed for caregivers with who a child has a primary attachment with. This usually means their parents (including step-parents) but also includes anyone who spends a significant time caring for the child. 

Heather runs a specific COSP® in The Classroom course for early-childhood educators. If you are interested in this course please contact her to arrange a course for your care facility.

How Long Does It Run?

The course runs for 8 weekly sessions.

Each session last approximately 60 - 90 minutes depending upon the level of discussion and reflection between participants.

It is an interactive program, not "sit back and listen". The greater involvement, the more you will get out of it!

A key part of the program is absorbing and reflecting upon the concepts of each week between chapters. Each session will provide an opportunity to engage or clarify concepts of the previous weeks. 

Can I Do It In A Shorter Time Frame?

There are shorter course, called Abbreviated Circle of Security Parenting® available. However, they are not offered by Heather at This Parenting Life. 

Please note that if you are completing the course because of a Family Law matter or educational CPD requirements, the full course may be required. Please check with your solicitor, social worker or employer to confirm which course you are required to complete. 

How Do I Access The Course?

The course is run online through remote facilitation via Zoom meeting sessions. A zoom link will be provided to participants upon confirmation of their enrolment.

Due to the private nature of discussions the group sessions are not recorded. If you miss one then a catch-up session is available prior to the next scheduled session. A make-up fee may be applicable. 

How Do I Get Proof I've Completed The Course?

If you are required to complete the Circle of Security Parenting® course because of work or family law matters then a certificate will be provided at the completion of the course. 

Heather can also be contacted to provide proof of enrolment and attendance if necessary.

How Much Does It Cost?

The 1:1 program has a registration fee of $640 ($80 per session) and the group course is $480 ($60 per session) ($AUS). 

This includes each weekly session, the downloadable workbook and email support between sessions. Payment plans are available with a $5 admin fee per payment. Payment is via credit / debit card, bank transfer or PayPal.

What About Missed Sessions?

24 hours notice is required for missed 1:1 sessions unless extenuating circumstances exists. A fee of $80 will apply for a make-up sessions for no-shows or less than 24 hours notice.

For the group program, a short session is available prior to the next week's session to keep up with the content, but does not include a full discussion. A 1:1 session is preferred to make-up the course, particularly in instances of family law matters.

Can Two Parents or Caregivers Attend Together?

Absolutely! Great things happen when two parents attend the course together.

Both parents can attend the 1:1 sessions at the same time for the single registration fee. 

Can You Train Me To Facilitate Circle of Security Parenting®?

No. Heather is a registered facilitator of the Circle of Security Parenting® and Circle of Security Classroom® course and is only able to deliver the parent and caregiver training course. 

To access the training for professionals, please contact Circle of Security International™.

I've just completed the Circle of Security Parenting with Heather Lindsay who has done an amazing job of guiding me along this 8 week journey.
This is a great course that opens your eyes to the needs of your children and I strongly suggest completing the course. Heather does a great job of explaining each stage and I feel well supported every week as I progress through this course. Well done on your delivery of this course.

Aaron, 1 son - 9 months old

Ready To Register For A Course?

Please read our FAQ's Prior to submitting your form as most questions are answered above

Fill out my online form.

Looking For Some Help With Your Child's Emotions?

Helping our kids with their emotions is a huge part of parenting... and often a challenging one! We all struggle at times and there's no such thing as the perfect parent, so any help we can get is another part of our Parenting Toolbox. 

Grab your copy of Heather's children's book My BIG Emotions and help your child with the words they need to describe how they are feeling.

Buy My Big Emotions Heather Lindsay childrens book

I participated in the Circle of Security online course in 2021. It was a joy to participate in this training. Heather's passion, enthusiasm & energy for what she teaches is contagious. She was encouraging and empowering. If you're looking to do Circle of Security I can't recommend Heather highly enough.

Katrina - 3 year old daughter

This Parenting Life

An Australian based online positive parenting support service for all parents.

0432 936 867
PO Box 553, Hornsby NSW, 1630


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